Do you ever get nervous? Have you ever tried imagining that you have super powers? In today’s episode, Kathryn, our yoga guide, is going to turn us into confident superheroes through a series of twists and stretches.
Parents, you and your kids can use this as a guide while you listen to the podcast. Or, try listening to the podcast first and going through the moves, letting your kids follow their instincts. Then, check back in here to see if their moves were correct.

Superhero Costumes:
Start in your Superhero Stance with your feet strong on the ground, your hands on our hips and your chest and head lifted up bravely. Pretend you are holding a cape in front of you in both of your hands. Wrap that cape around your shoulders, and bring your hands together in front of your chest to tie it together.

Superhero Mask:
To make a mask, touch your pointer fingers to your thumbs to make holes for your eyes. Flip your hands inside out and rest your fingers on your cheeks so your eyes can peek through the holes your fingers made.

Superhero Shoes:
Stand up tall and press one foot down really strong into the ground. Balance on one leg. Bend and lift your other knee. Can you reach your foot? If you can, hold it. Keep balancing and put your shoe on that foot. Set your foot down. Now for the other shoe! With both feet on the ground, stand tall in your Superhero Stance. Press your other foot down really strong into the ground. Balance on one leg. Bend and lift your other knee, grab your foot, and put your shoe on that foot. Set your foot down.

Superhero Plank:
Stand-up tall then bend forward, reach down with your hands for your toes and wave to the ground in forward fold. Now put your hands on the ground. Try to hop or walk your feet behind you. Ready? 1-2-3 hop. Now you are in a superhero plank. Your body is in a straight line, stiff and strong with your belly and knees lifted off the ground. Your hands are pushing down and sending goodness into the Earth! Here’s a little superhero challenge. You can try it or stay in your Superhero Plank! Lift one foot off the ground for 3-2-1. Now put that foot on the ground, and lift the other foot for 3-2-1. Foot comes down. Store your superhero energy by coming on to our knees and hands. Sit on your knees and bend forward to put your forehead on the ground. You could wrap your cape around you and hold it with your hands by your sides or out in front of you.

Single Leg Warrior Pose:
Take a big step back with one foot and bend your front knee so you are in a lunge. Reach your arms up really high to the sky. Start to straighten your front leg and lean forward over your foot. Bring your arms back beside your body with your fingers pointing behind you along your cape. Lift that back leg off the ground and fly for 3-2-1. When you’re ready to land, bring the foot that’s in the air next to your front foot and stand tall again in superhero mountain pose. Let’s try that again on the other side! Take a big step back with your other foot and bend your front knee so you are in a lunge. Reach your arms up really high to the sky. Start to straighten your front leg and lean forward. This time straighten your arms in front of us. Lift your back leg off the ground and fly again for 3-2-1. When you’re ready to land, step that foot down next to your front foot and stand tall again in superhero mountain pose.

Superhero Lizard/Superhero pose:
Lie down on your belly with your forehead on the ground, your arms stretched out in front of you, and your legs stretched out long behind you. Keep your superhero belly on the ground. Breathe in as you lift up our arms, legs, and chest all at the same time. Keep flying, stay up as long as you can. Now gently lower everything back down to the ground as you breathe out. Breathe in, and lift up your arms, legs, and chest all at the same time.Twinkle your fingers and toes. Keep flying and breathing for 5-4-3-2-1. Now gently lower everything back down to the ground.

Roll over and lie down on your back. If you like, you can give yourself a tight hug and pretend that you are wrapping your superhero cape around yourself. Hug yourself really tightly for 3-2-1, now let go and bring your arms on the ground next to your body and stretch out your legs. Store your power in your strong muscles by using your super strength to squeeze each muscle--without using your hands! Start with your toes. Breathe in as you scrunch up all of your toes and feet as tight as you can for 3-2-1 and breathe out as you soften your toes. Next will be your lower legs. Breathe in as you use your superhero muscles to squeeze your lower legs for 3-2-1, now breathe out and soften. On to the top part of your legs. Breathe in and use your superhero strength to squeeze your thighs for 3-2-1, now breathe out and relax your muscles. Next it is time for your belly! Breathe in. Can you squeeze your belly without your hands for 3-2-1? Good try! Now breathe out, let it be soft. Time for your superhero shoulders! Bring your shoulders up to your ears for 3-2-1, now let go. Superhero arms are next! Make your hands into fists, bring your fists up to your shoulder. Can you feel your arm muscles get really tight for 3-2-1. Now let them go. Last, it is your superhero face! Breathe in and close your eyes really tightly, scrunch up your nose, and squeeze your lips together for 3-2-1, now breathe out as you soften your face. Ok superheroes, now that we have stored our super powers for next time, our bodies are ready to rest! You can close your eyes or keep them open. Take a few deep breaths.
We like to end our episodes with an affirmation. This episode’s affirmation is to say your superpower. Kathryn’s super power is that she is caring, so her affirmation is “I am caring.” What is your superpower? You can have more than one. Say it to yourself a few times. How does it make you feel?
In this episode, we put on our superpower costumes, capes, masks, and shoes, and became our best superhero selves. What are other things you can do to feel like a superhero?